Vibrant Musical Journeys: A Night with Not from Brooklyn

The Corning Radisson bore witness to an wonderful evening of music, as the notes of Not from Brooklyn resonated through the halls.

The band is myself on guitar, Steve Webb on bass, and Joel Carberry on drums, the trio embarked on a musical journey with the Friday night crowd.  You can find us on Facebook, and our debut album is available for your listening pleasure our debut album is here.

The initial plan was to offer a selection of jazz standards and safe instrumentals, tailored to suit the relaxed atmosphere of the hotel lounge. However, as we delved into our setlist, it became clear that this crowd was up for an eclectic musical journey.

Original funk tunes emanated from our instruments, infusing the space with an energy that was both infectious and invigorating. The jazz standards, always a touchstone of musicality, were met with nods of appreciation and the tapping of feet. It was a moment of connection, where the language of music transcended boundaries.

A particular highlight of the evening was our reggae rendition of Pachelbel’s Canon. This imaginative take on a timeless classic brought smiles to the faces of our audience, inviting them to experience the familiar in an entirely new light.

But the surprises didn’t end there. We introduced the crowd to a couple of Afro Cuban originals, each beat resonating with the pulse of distant shores. Among them was a brand-new composition, “Carnival,” the video for which is here a spirited piece that ignited the room.

In homage to a musical milestone, we paid also tribute to The Who, currently celebrating the 50th anniversary of their iconic album, Who’s Next.   We played this version of “See Me Feel Me,” which is my personal favorite of the many amazing songs in their diverse catalogue.

The night was a testament to the power of music to surprise, to connect, and to elevate. Each note we played was an invitation into our world, a world where genres intertwine, and where the boundaries of musical expression blur.

We look forward to returning to the Corning Radisson on December 16th, eager to once again share our musical journey with an audience that appreciates the unexpected. Until then, may the echoes of this night linger, a reminder that music has the power to weave stories that resonate in the hearts of all who listen.

If you are planning an event you want to explore your options for live music, book a free music consultation with me or simply write to me on the contact page.