guitarist near wedding couple during ceremony

Performing at an Ithaca Wedding Photo Shoot

On a crisp day, full of anticipation and the cool whisper of upcoming winter, I found myself preparing for a unique performance at a wedding photo shoot organized by Sweet Bough Collective. The event, masterfully orchestrated by Shawn Hull from Happiest Days Designs, brought together a talented ensemble of creatives, including the keen eye of Ryan Sankar from The Celestial Impression, the stunning floral arrangements by Bel Canto Florals, and even delicious wedding cake (a large piece of which my family devoured) by Sinfully Delicious Baking Co.

The Venue

The event took place at Cayuga Shoreline, which is a great venue for a wedding right on Cayuga lake, where, I was delightfully surprised to discover two days later, I was already booked to play an all bossa nova wedding cocktail hour and dinner.  The weather was rainy the night of the wedding, but the venue has a lovely porch that was large enough for all the guests to gather under for the ceremony.  Indoors, the venue has a large banquet hall.  You can take a virtual tour of the venue here.

Preparing the Instruments

With a chill in the air, the first order of business was to carefully acclimate my guitars to the outdoorguitarist playing at wedding ceremony temperature. Rapid changes in temperature can be harsh on acoustic instruments, potentially causing wood to crack or warp. Hence, I took my time easing them out of their cases, allowing them to adjust slowly to the external conditions. This meticulous attention to detail is crucial, not just for the preservation of the instruments, but for ensuring the quality of sound during the performance.

The Magic of Music in Photography

As the photo shoot unfolded, the picturesque setting was enhanced by the sounds of “A Thousand Years,” which I played during the video segment capturing the wedding couple. The melody harmoniously intertwined with the visual narrative being crafted by the photographer, adding a layer of emotional depth and timeless romance to the scene.

Music has the power to elevate visual storytelling, providing an auditory backdrop that enriches the wedding photo shootemotional texture of the images. As I strummed the chords, the couple’s interactions gained a cinematic quality, each glance and smile underscored by the song’s tender notes.

An Unexpected Take

The day concluded with what I believed to be a trial run of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours,” a song frequently requested at wedding cocktail hours. Unbeknownst to me, this ‘trial run’ was actually the final take. Fortunately, the familiarity and ease with which I perform this song ensured that the performance was up to par, even though I was unaware that we were recording the official version. It’s moments like these that remind musicians of the importance of always giving their best, regardless of the circumstances.

Reflecting on the Visuals

Receiving the photos from the day was a moment of true delight. The images captured not only the beauty and artistry of the floral designs and the setting but also the essence of the music and its integration into the wedding narrative. Seeing the way the photographs turned vivid moments into frozen memories was incredibly gratifying.

The Synergy of Collaboration

This experience at the Sweet Bough Collective photo shoot was a testament to the beauty of collaborative creativity. Each professional brought their unique skills and vision to the table, creating something truly special. From the detailed planning by Shawn Hull to the artistic photography by Ryan Sankar and the beautiful floral arrangements by Bel Canto Florals, every element was thoughtfully curated to complement one another.

This event wasn’t just a showcase of individual talents but a celebration of collective artistic expression,guitar wedding ceremony harmonized through the universal language of music and visual art. As I look forward to the release of the video, I am reminded of the power of music to bind memories, enhance experiences, and touch hearts.

Looking ahead, I am eager to bring more of these musical narratives to life, whether in the intimate setting of a wedding, a grandiose celebration, or a unique creative project like this one. The joy of creating music that moves and resonates, blending seamlessly with the visions of fellow artists, continues to inspire and drive my passion for performance.

If you are planning a wedding in or near Ithaca NY and you want to explore your options for a musician or a band to provide live music, here are links to book a free music consultation or check availability on the contact page.